Bhagavad Gita Chapter 7
Bhagavad Gita Chapter 7
In this chapter, Arjuna will be taught the nature of the Lord himself.
अथ सप्तमः अध्यायः । ज्ञान विज्ञान योगः ।
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Lord Krishna and Arjuna |
श्रीभगवान् उवाच ।
मयि आसक्त मनाः पार्थ योगम् युञ्जन् मत् आश्रयः ।
असंशयम् समग्रम् माम् यथा ज्ञास्यसि तत् शृणु ॥ ७ १॥
The Lord said: Now listen, O Partha, listen, performing Yoga with the mind attached to me and seeking refuge in me, you will without any doubt know Me to the utmost.
The mind attached: Yogi’s mind is attached to the Lord only. He sets aside all other disciplines and worships the Lord with complete concentration.
Seeking refuge: The Lord alone is the whole basis of the existence of the Yogi. His goal is only the Lord.
Practising Yoga: Being united with the Lord in meditation.
Know Me to the utmost: The are six attributes that are associated with the Lord. They are infinite Greatness, Strength, Power, Grace, Knowledge, and Detachment. You will see all these attributes.
श्रीभगवान् उवाच — the Supreme Lord said; मयि— in Me; आसक्त — attached; मनाः —mind; पार्थ — O Partha; योगम् — Yoga; युञ्जन् — practising; मत् -in Me, आश्रयः — sought refuge; असंशयम् — doubtless; समग्रम् — whole; माम् — Me; यथा — as; ज्ञास्यसि — you shall know; तत् — that; शृणु — listen.
With sandhi:
मय्यासक्तमनाः पार्थ योगं युञ्जन्मदाश्रयः ।
असंशयं समग्रं मां यथा ज्ञास्यसि तच्छृणु ॥ ७ १॥
हे पार्थ! शृणु! मयि आसक्त मनाः मत् आश्रयः (त्वं) योगम्
युञ्जन्, माम् समग्रम् यथा असंशयम् ज्ञास्यसि ।
ज्ञानम् ते अहम् स विज्ञानम् इदम् वक्ष्यामि अशेषतः ।
यत् ज्ञात्वा न इह भूयः अन्यत् ज्ञातव्यम् अवशिष्यते ॥ ७ २॥
I shall now teach you in full both knowledge and experience, when both are known, nothing remains for you to know.
Here: in this world.
Knowledge and experience: The awareness that God exists and that He is the inmost Spirit in all. One acquires this knowledge through the study of scriptures and reasoning about their content.
विज्ञानम् – This is the knowledge that the Lord is one and in all beings and to act according to that realization is experience, vijnana. To give an example: To know that one can get fire from the wood is knowledge, but to kindle that fire and cook one’s meal on that fire and be nourished by that meal is experience is vijnana.
Knowledge of God in Hindu philosophy is inseparable from experience.
Nothing remains: This implies that the Lord is everything; and therefore when he is fully known everything is known. In verse 1.1.3 of Mundaka Upanishad, a Grihastha (householder) approaches a teacher, and asks,
कस्मिन्नु भगवो विज्ञाते सर्वमिदं विज्ञातं भवतीति ॥ ३ ॥
Sir, what is that through which, if it is known, everything else becomes known?
— Mundaka Upanishad, 1.1.3, Translated by Max Müller.
The next verse of Mundaka describes what is known.
The Lord is Satchidananda (existence, knowledge, bliss absolute) and is the real existence of all objects. Names and forms are illusory superimpositions.
ज्ञानम् — knowledge; ते — to you; अहम् — I; स — with; विज्ञानम् — experience (knowledge); इदम् — this; वक्ष्यामि — will tell; अशेषतः — without remainder; यत् — which; ज्ञात्वा — having known; न — not; इह — here; भूयः — more; अन्यत् — other; ज्ञातव्यम् — (what ought to be)known; अवशिष्यते — remains.
With sandhi;
ज्ञानं तेऽहं सविज्ञानमिदं वक्ष्याम्यशेषतः ।
यज्ज्ञात्वा नेह भूयोऽन्यज्ज्ञातव्यमवशिष्यते ॥ ७ २॥
अहम् इदम् सविज्ञानम् ते अशेषतः वक्ष्यामि; यत् ज्ञात्वा इह भूयः अन्यत् ज्ञातव्यम् न अवशिष्यते ।
मनुष्याणाम् सहस्रेषु कश्चित् यतति सिद्धये ।
यतताम् अपि सिद्धानाम् कश्चित् माम् वेत्ति तत्त्वतः ॥ ७ ३॥
Among thousands of men, one may strive for perfection, and among those who strive and succeed, hardly one knows Me in truth.
According to Hindu concepts, only a human being can do self-inquiry to realize the Lord. Superhuman beings such as angels and demigods enjoy their birth in heaven until they exhaust the good karma that they performed in the previous birth. Once their karma is exhausted they will be born in this world and they will have the opportunity to realize the Lord. The same is true for subhuman beings.
Among innumerable human beings, only a few have the desire to attain knowledge. Among thousands of people who strive to attain knowledge, only a few succeed in realizing God.
मनुष्याणाम् — of men; सहस्रेषु — among thousands; कश्चित् — someone; यतति — strives; सिद्धये — for perfection; यतताम् — of the striving; अपि — also; सिद्धानाम् — of those successful; कश्चित् — someone; माम् — Me; वेत्ति — knows; तत्त्वतः — essentially.
With sandhi:
मनुष्याणां सहस्रेषु कश्चिद्यतति सिद्धये ।
यततामपि सिद्धानां कश्चिन्मां वेत्ति तत्त्वतः ॥ ७ ३॥
मनुष्याणाम् सहस्रेषु कश्चित् सिद्धये यतति; यतताम् सिद्धानाम् अपि कश्चित् माम् तत्त्वतः वेत्ति ।
भूमिः आपः अनलः वायुः खम् मनः बुद्धिः एव च ।
अहङ्कारः इति इयम् मे भिन्ना प्रकृतिः अष्टधा ॥ ७ ४॥
Earth, water, fire, air, ether, mind, intelligence, and egoism together form the eightfold divisions of My nature.
This eightfold division is probably taken from the sankya philosophy. The five elements are earth, water, fire, air, and ether.
Mind referred to here is ahamkara or I-consciousness, reason(buddhi) stands for mahat (cosmic man) which is the cause of ego. Ego in the verse refers to the unmanifest state of the universe, These eight elements constitute the Prakriti or nature in Sankya philosophy.
In Hindu philosophy, the gross elements are produced by a peculiar combination called pancheekaranam of the subtle elements. One-half of each subtle element combines with one-eighth of the remaining four elements. For example, gross ether is made up of ½ subtle ether + 1/8 air + 1/8 fire + 1/8 water +1/8 earth.
Sankya philosophy believes in a multiplicity of souls. Each living being had its own soul. In non-dualistic Vedanta, Brahman is the only Reality. It is also the soul. Under the influence of its own Maya, Brahman appears as different elements, gross and subtle, which constitute the material cause of the universe and its created beings.
भूमिः — earth; आपः — water; अनलः — fire; वायुः — air; खम् — ether; मनः — mind; बुद्धिः — reason; एव — even; च — and; अहङ्कारः — egoism; इति — thus; इयम् — all these; मे — of Me; भिन्ना — divided; प्रकृतिः — nature; अष्टधा — eight fold.
With sandhi:
भूमिरापोऽनलो वायुः खं मनो बुद्धिरेव च ।
अहङ्कार इतीयं मे भिन्ना प्रकृतिरष्टधा ॥ ७ ४॥
भूमिः, आपः, अनलः, वायुः, खम्, मनः, बुद्धिः एव च अहङ्कारः इति अष्टधा भिन्ना मे इयम् प्रकृतिः ।
अपरा इयम् इतः तु अन्याम् प्रकृतिम् विद्धि मे पराम् ।
जीव भूताम् महाबाहो यया इदम् धार्यते जगत् ॥ ७ ५॥
O mighty-armed Arjuna, this is My lower nature. Know My other higher nature is the life element by which the universe is supported.
My lower nature: The matter form said in the previous verse.
According to the Upanishads, the Lord created different forms of entities and entered them as their living souls. The insentient matter is supported by the living Spirit. Contemplating soul becomes entangled in the world. By contemplating the Spirit (higher form of the Lord, the soul attains liberation. Hence the Spirit-form of the Lord is superior to his matter-form. To illustrate this with an example, we will take the case of fire. The smoke from a fire is its lower nature. Sparks from the fire are higher in nature. Spark has all the characteristics of fire and fire can be made from it. Smoke does not have the properties of fire and fire cannot be made from it. Hence it is called lower nature.
अपरा — lower; इयम् — this; इतः — from (than) this; तु — indeed; अन्याम् — other; प्रकृतिम् — nature; विद्धि — know; मे — My; पराम् — higher; जीव – life; भूताम् — element; महाबाहो — O mighty-armed one; यया — by which; इदम् — this; धार्यते — is supported; जगत् — world.
With sandhi:
अपरेयमितस्त्वन्यां प्रकृतिं विद्धि मे पराम् ।
जीवभूतां महाबाहो ययेदं धार्यते जगत् ॥ ७ ५॥
हे महाबाहो! इयम् अपरा (प्रकृतिः अस्ति) इतः तु अन्याम् जीव भूताम् मे पराम् प्रकृतिम् विद्धि, यया इदम् जगत् धार्यते ।
एतत् योनीनि भूतानि सर्वाणि इति उपधारय ।
अहम् कृत्स्नस्य जगतः प्रभवः प्रलयः तथा ॥ ७ ६॥
Know that these two forms form the source of all beings. I am the origin of the entire universe and also its dissolution.
These two are the lower and the higher nature (Prakriti).
Source of all beings – the lower nature manifests itself as the material body and the higher nature as the experiencer, the living soul.
I am the origin – At the beginning names, forms and life arise from the Prakriti and at the time of involution they go back into it. But Prakriti cannot create independent of the Lord. The Lord is the instrument of creation, preservation, and dissolution. That is why it is said that the Lord is the ultimate cause of the universe.
एतत् — this; योनीनि — source (womb); भूतानि — created beings; सर्वाणि — all; इति — thus; उपधारय — understand; अहम् — I; कृत्स्नस्य — (of) whole; जगतः — of world; प्रभवः — (source of) becoming; प्रलयः — place of dissolution; तथा — also.
With sandhi:
एतद्योनीनि भूतानि सर्वाणीत्युपधारय ।
अहं कृत्स्नस्य जगतः प्रभवः प्रलयस्तथा ॥ ७ ६॥
सर्वाणि भूतानि एतत् योनीनि इति, उपधारय । अहम् कृत्स्नस्य जगतः प्रभवः तथा प्रलयः (अस्मि)।
मत्तः परतरं न अन्यत् किञ्चित् अस्ति धनञ्जय ।
मयि सर्वम् इदम् प्रोतम् सूत्रे मणिगणाः इव ॥ ७ ७॥
O Dananjaya (conqueror of wealth), there is nothing higher than I. All this is threaded on Me, as rows of pearls on a string (like in a necklace).
There is nothing: There is no other cause of the universe than the Lord.
All: The universe and the created beings.
Rows of pearls: To make a necklace the string passes through each and every pearl. Likewise, the Lord pervades the entire universe and the beings to hold them together. He is the unity that underlies the diversity of the names and forms of the universe.
मत्तः — than I; परतरं — higher; न — not; अन्यत् – other; किञ्चित् — anything else; अस्ति — there is; धनञ्जय — O Dananjaya; मयि — in Me; सर्वम् — all; इदम् — this; प्रोतम् — threaded; सूत्रे — in a string; मणिगणाः — pearls; इव — like.
With sandhi:
मत्तः परतरं नान्यत्किञ्चिदस्ति धनञ्जय ।
मयि सर्वमिदं प्रोतं सूत्रे मणिगणा इव ॥ ७ ७॥
हे धनञ्जय! मत्तः परतरं अन्यत् किञ्चित् न अस्ति । सूत्रे मणिगणाः इव इदम् सर्वम् मयि प्रोतम् ।
रसः अहम् अप्सु कौन्तेय प्रभा अस्मि शशि सूर्ययोः ।
प्रणवः सर्व वेदेषु शब्दः खे पौरुषम् नृषु ॥ ७ ८॥
O son of Kunti, I am the taste in water, the radiance in the sun and the moon, the Pranava (syllable Om in the Vedic mantras) in all the Vedas; the sound in ether and virility in men.
Pranava, the syllable Om is the most sacred word in the Vedas. All Vedic mantras are recited with the beginning Om. It is believed to be the sound form of the Lord (Nada Brahman). When the three letters a, u, and m are combined under Sandhi rules it will result in OM (औं), but it is not the same as ॐ (this is the proper way to write OM). Mandukya Upanishads used the three letters a,u, and m to represent three states waking, dreaming, and deep sleep.
The universe is perceived by the senses as a form or shape. Behind this form is the Word of the Lord. This eternal Word is the power through which the Lord creates the universe. Om is the source of all names and forms.
Compare this to John 1.1 “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.”
Om is also called Nada Brahman or Sound-Brahman.
Sound in ether = Ether (akasa) is the first element to be evolved from Brahman at the time of creation. The property and essence of rudimentary akasa are sound.
Virility = Essential quality in men.
रसः — the taste; अहम् — I; अप्सु — in waters; कौन्तेय — O son of Kunti; प्रभा — the radiance; अस्मि — I am; शशि – of the moon; सूर्ययोः — and the sun; प्रणवः — the Pranava (Om); सर्व — all; वेदेषु — in the Vedas; शब्दः — sound; खे — in the ether; पौरुषम् — virility; नृषु — in men.
With sandhi:
रसोऽहमप्सु कौन्तेय प्रभास्मि शशिसूर्ययोः ।
प्रणवः सर्ववेदेषु शब्दः खे पौरुषं नृषु ॥ ७ ८॥
हे कौन्तेय! अहम् अप्सु रसः, शशि सूर्ययोः प्रभा, सर्व वेदेषु प्रणवः, खे शब्दः, नृषु पौरुषम् अस्मि ।
पुण्यः गन्धः पृथिव्याम् च तेजः च अस्मि विभावसौ ।
जीवनम् सर्व भूतेषु तपः च अस्मि तपस्विषु ॥ ७ ९॥
I am the pure fragrance of the earth, and I am the brilliance in the fire. I am the life of all beings, and I am the austerity of all ascetics.
The fragrance of the earth – The property of the rudimentary earth is agreeable fragrance.
Brilliance in fire – The fire while it gives heat also gives light which illumines objects.
Life of all beings – The Lord is the Life that exists in all beings.
The austerity of all ascetics – The lord gives the power to ascetics that enables them to endure all opposites such as heat and cold, pleasure and pain, and love, and hate.
पुण्यः — pure; गन्धः — smell; पृथिव्याम् — in the earth; च — also; तेजः — light; च — and; अस्मि — I am; विभावसौ — in fire; जीवनम् — life; सर्व — in all; भूतेषु — beings; तपः — austerity; च — and; अस्मि — I am; तपस्विषु — in ascetics.
With sandhi:
पुण्यो गन्धः पृथिव्यां च तेजश्चास्मि विभावसौ ।
जीवनं सर्वभूतेषु तपश्चास्मि तपस्विषु ॥ ७ ९॥
पृथिव्याम् पुण्यः गन्धः च, विभावसौ च तेजः अस्मि;
सर्व भूतेषु जीवनम्, तपस्विषु च तपः अस्मि ।
VERSE 7.10
बीजम् माम् सर्व भूतानाम् विद्धि पार्थ सनातनम् ।
बुद्धिः बुद्धिमताम् अस्मि तेजः तेजस्विनाम् अहम् ॥ ७ १०॥
O son of Partha, know me as the eternal seed of all beings, the reason of the intelligent, and the splendor of all splendid things.
Eternal seed: Ordinary seeds cease to exist after sprouting. But Lord, the eternal seed exists eternally.
Reason – discriminative faculty of the mind.
Eternal (सनातन) – Before the word ‘Hindu’ came into existence the Hindu religion was called सनातन धर्म – Meaning eternal order. The word ‘Hinduism’ was coined by immigrants to denote people living South East of the Sindhu River.
बीजम् — seed; माम् — Me; सर्व — of all; भूतानाम् — beings; विद्धि — know; पार्थ — O son of Partha; सनातनम् — eternal; बुद्धिः — reason; बुद्धिमताम् — of the reasonable; अस्मि — I am; तेजः — splendour; तेजस्विनाम् — of the splendid; अहम् — I am.
With sandhi:
बीजं मां सर्वभूतानां विद्धि पार्थ सनातनम् ।
बुद्धिर्बुद्धिमतामस्मि तेजस्तेजस्विनामहम् ॥ ७ १०॥
हे पार्थ! माम् सर्व भूतानाम् सनातनम् बीजम् विद्धि,
अहम् बुद्धिमताम् बुद्धिः अस्मि, तेजस्विनाम् तेजः (अस्मि) ।
VERSE 7.11
बलम् बलवताम् च अहम् काम राग विवर्जितम् ।
धर्म अविरुद्धः भूतेषु कामः अस्मि भरतर्षभ ॥ ७ ११॥
I am the strength of the strong, devoid of passion and desire. I am the desire which is not contrary to dharma, O lord of the Bharatas [Arjuna].
Dharma (धर्म) is often translated as "duty", "religion" or "religious duty", but has a deeper Meaning. The word comes from the Sanskrit root "dhri" which means "to sustain" or "that which is integral to something" (e.g. dharma of sugar is to be sweet, fire to be hot).
राग — passion: Attachment to sense objects that give pleasure, in spite of the knowledge of their illusoriness.
Desire is not contrary to dharma – this could be a desire for food when hungry or the desire for offspring in the case of householders.
बलम् — strength; बलवताम् — of the strong; च — and; अहम् — I am; काम — desire; राग — passion; विवर्जितम् — abandoned; धर्म — duty; अविरुद्धः — not opposed; भूतेषु — in all beings; कामः — desire; अस्मि — I am; भरतर्षभ — O lord of the Bharatas.
With sandhi:
बलं बलवतां चाहं कामरागविवर्जितम् ।
धर्माविरुद्धो भूतेषु कामोऽस्मि भरतर्षभ ॥ ७ ११॥
अहम् बलवताम् काम राग विवर्जितम् बलम् अस्मि, च हे भरतर्षभ! भूतेषु धर्म अविरुद्धः कामः (अहम् अस्मि)।
VERSE 7.12
ये च एव सात्त्विकाः भावाः राजसाः तामसाः च ये ।
मत्तः एव इति तान् विद्धि न तु अहं तेषु ते मयि ॥ ७.१२॥
Know that all states of being, be they sattva, rajas, or tamas, are from Me, and I am not in them but they are in Me.
गुण (Guna) - is a concept in Hinduism and Sikhism, which can be translated as "quality, peculiarity, or attribute". There are three Gunas - sattva (goodness, harmonious), rajas (passion, active), and tamas (darkness, chaotic). These gunas constitute Prakriti. All of these three gunas are present in everyone and everything, it is the proportion that is different, according to the Hindu view.
I am not in them = Gunas proceed from the Lord but he is not under the control of or dependent on them.
ये — which; च — and; एव — even; सात्त्विकाः — pure; भावाः — nature; राजसाः — active; तामसाः — inert; च — and; ये — which; मत्तः — from Me; एव — even; इति — thus; तान् — these; विद्धि — know; न — not; तु — indeed; अहं — I; तेषु — in them; ते — they; मयि — in Me.
With sandhi:
ये चैव सात्त्विका भावा राजसास्तामसाश्च ये ।
मत्त एवेति तान्विद्धि न त्वहं तेषु ते मयि ॥ ७ १२॥
ये च एव सात्त्विकाः राजसाः तामसाः च भावाः, ते
मत्तः एव इति तान् विद्धि, अहं तेषु न (अस्मि), तु ते मयि (वर्तन्ते) ।
VERSE 7.13
त्रिभिः गुणमयैः भावैः एभिः सर्वम्म् इदम् जगत् ।
मोहितम् न अभिजानाति माम् एभ्यः परम् अव्ययम् ॥ ७.१३॥
All this world deluded by the nature made by three qualities (gunas) does not know Me, who am above these modes and inexhaustible.
Deluded – all beings are deluded by love, hatred, attachment, and other characteristics of Gunas.
Not know Me – Even though the Lord is the inmost self of all beings and is an object of direct and immediate perception, he is not recognized due to delusion.
Inexhaustible – Not subject to birth, death, or any other changes.
त्रिभिः — three; गुणमयैः — guna-made; भावैः — by natures; एभिः — all these; सर्वम्म् — all; इदम् — this; जगत् — world; मोहितम् — deceived; न — not; अभिजानाति — knows well; माम् — Me; एभ्यः — than these; परम् — higher; अव्ययम् — inexhaustible.
With sandhi:
त्रिभिर्गुणमयैर्भावैरेभिः सर्वमिदं जगत् ।
मोहितं नाभिजानाति मामेभ्यः परमव्ययम् ॥ ७ १३॥
एभिः त्रिभिः गुणमयैः भावैः इदम् सर्वम्म् जगत् मोहितम्, (अतः) एभ्यः परम् अव्ययम् माम् न अभिजानाति ।
VERSE 7.14
दैवी हि एषा गुणमयी मम माया दुरत्यया ।
माम् एव ये प्रपद्यन्ते मायाम् एताम् तरन्ति ते ॥ ७ १४॥
This divine illusion of Mine, consisting of the three Gunas, is difficult to pierce. But those who come to Me can easily cross over this illusion.
Divine – inscrutable to human reason.
Difficult to pierce – without the divine grace.
Come to Me - take refuge in Me. Become devoted only to God, who is the Lord of Maya. God creates with the help of Maya. Through Maya, Brahman appears as the universe. This is like a mirage in the desert. This is called superimposition. Often the Maya is expressed as the power (sakti) of God and is depicted as a female Goddess in Hindu concepts. Maya is often loosely translated as "illusion", "ignorance", "nescience" etc. In Vedanta, the example given for Maya are like the illusion of seeing a snake in a rope, a mirage in a desert, and silver in sea shells. This is called superimposition. That is, superimposing a snake on a rope. The illustrations are given to illustrate the superimposition of the universe on the Lord.
Easily cross over – become liberated from the bondage of Maya. A liberated person is also called an enlightened Master.
दैवी — divine; हि — indeed; एषा — this; गुणमयी — guna-made; मम — My; माया — illusion; दुरत्यया — difficult to go beyond; माम् — to Me; एव — indeed; ये — who; प्रपद्यन्ते — approach; मायाम् —illusion; एताम् — this; तरन्ति — cross; ते — they.
With sandhi:
दैवी ह्येषा गुणमयी मम माया दुरत्यया ।
मामेव ये प्रपद्यन्ते मायामेतां तरन्ति ते ॥ ७ १४॥
एषा दैवी गुणमयी मम माया हि दुरत्यया । ये माम् एव प्रपद्यन्ते, ते एताम् मायाम् तरन्ति ।
VERSE 7.15
न माम् दुष्कृतिनः मूढाः प्रपद्यन्ते नर अधमाः ।
मायया अपहृत ज्ञानाः आसुरम् भावम् आश्रिताः ॥ ७ १५॥
The evil-doing, the deluded, the vilest men whose wisdom is destroyed by illusion, who have taken the way of demons, cannot come to Me.
Way of demons – conduct of demons. Here the word ‘असुर – asura” is used. It is the opposite of Sura (benevolent Devas or angels). सुर means one who has liquor and असुर who doesn’t. The Lord does not create evil-doers. They become evil-doers because of their own tendencies.
न — not; माम् — to Me; दुष्कृतिनः — evil-doers; मूढाः — deluded; प्रपद्यन्ते — approach; नर — among men; अधमाः — lowest; मायया — by the Maya; अपहृत — torn away; ज्ञानाः — wisdom; आसुरम् — demonic; भावम् — nature; आश्रिताः — taken refuge (in).
With sandhi:
न मां दुष्कृतिनो मूढाः प्रपद्यन्ते नराधमाः ।
माययापहृतज्ञाना आसुरं भावमाश्रिताः ॥ ७ १५॥
मायया अपहृत ज्ञानाः आसुरम् भावम् आश्रिताः दुष्कृतिनः मूढाः नर अधमाः माम् न प्रपद्यन्ते ।
VERSE 7.16
चतुः विधाः भजन्ते माम् जनाः सुकृतिनः अर्जुन ।
आर्तः जिज्ञासुः अर्थार्थी ज्ञानी च भरतर्षभ ॥ ७ १६॥
O best among the Bharatas, four types of righteous people worship Me — the man in distress, the man seeking knowledge, the man seeking enjoyment, and he who is endowed with wisdom.
Righteous – Anyone seeking the Lord is a fortunate and righteous soul, regardless of his motive.
The man seeking knowledge – seeking the knowledge of God.
Enjoyment – Both here and hereafter.
He who is endowed with wisdom – One who has renounced all desires born out of Maya and as a result gained wisdom.
Not all people in distress or seeking knowledge and enjoyment worship the Lord. Only the fortunate among them take refuge in Him for the fulfillment of their wishes.
Lord of the Bharatas – Arjuna. According to the Mahabharata, Bharata was the son of King Dushyanta and Shakuntala and thus a descendant of the Lunar dynasty. Emperor Bharata gave his name to the dynasty of which he was the founder. The Pandavas and their opponent cousins, Kauravas, were descendants of the Bharata dynasty. India derived the name Bharata from the legendary king Bharata.
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Dushyanta and Shakuntala |
चतुः विधाः — four kinds of; भजन्ते — worship; माम् — Me; जनाः — people; सुकृतिनः — well-doing; अर्जुन — O Arjuna; आर्तः — the unhappy; जिज्ञासुः — the wisdom-desiring; अर्थार्थी — wealth seekers; ज्ञानी — the wise; च — and; भरतर्षभ — lord of the Bharatas.
With sandhi:
चतुर्विधा भजन्ते मां जनाः सुकृतिनोऽर्जुन ।
आर्तो जिज्ञासुरर्थार्थी ज्ञानी च भरतर्षभ ॥ ७ १६॥
हे भरतर्षभ! आर्तः, जिज्ञासुः, अर्थार्थी, ज्ञानी च (इति) चतुः विधाः सुकृतिनः जनाः माम् भजन्ते ।
VERSE 7.17
तेषाम् ज्ञानी नित्य युक्तः एक भक्तिः विशिष्यते ।
प्रियः हि ज्ञानिनः अत्यर्थम् अहम् सः च मम प्रियः ॥ ७ १७॥
Of these, the wise man who is steadfast and worships the One alone is the best. I am supremely dear to the wise and he is dear to Me.
Devoted to the One – The jnani sees only the Lord as the object of devotion. His devotion to the Lord is one-pointed and unswerving.
In this verse, the Lord denotes himself in first person ‘I’ and ‘Me’. But in one place, in the words ‘worshiping the One’, he refers to himself in the third person (One). This seems odd. We can take ‘एक भक्तिः’ to mean unified devotion. Then the first line would be: Of these, the wise man who is steadfast and with unified devotion alone is the best. Swami Chidbhavananda (Ramakrishna Mission) in his Tamil translation of the Bhagavad Gita takes ‘एक भक्तिः’ to mean ‘unwavering devotion’.
तेषाम् — of these; ज्ञानी — the wise; नित्य युक्तः — always balanced; एक — in one; भक्तिः — devotion; विशिष्यते — excels; प्रियः — dear; हि — indeed; ज्ञानिनः — of the wise; अत्यर्थम् — excessively; अहम् — I; सः — he; च — and; मम — of Me; प्रियः — dear.
With sandhi:
तेषां ज्ञानी नित्ययुक्त एकभक्तिर्विशिष्यते ।
प्रियो हि ज्ञानिनोऽत्यर्थमहं स च मम प्रियः ॥ ७ १७॥
तेषाम् नित्य युक्तः एक भक्तिः ज्ञानी विशिष्यते । अहम् हि ज्ञानिनः अत्यर्थम् प्रियः (अस्मि), सः (ज्ञानी) च मम प्रियः (अस्ति)।
VERSE 7.18
उदाराः सर्वे एव एते ज्ञानी तु आत्मा एव मे मतम् ।
आस्थितः सः हि युक्त आत्मा माम् एव अनुत्तमाम् गतिम् ॥ ७ १८॥
All these devotees are noble, but I regard the wise as My very Self; because he abides in the Self while remaining fixed on Me as the supreme goal.
Devotees are noble – the three others (verse 16 above), who have motives behind their worship are also dear to the Lord. The Lord loves all his devotees, regardless of whether their devotion is selfish or unselfish.
My very Self – The Lord is the indwelling Self in all beings, but only the wise know it.
उदाराः — noble; सर्वे — all; एव — even; एते — these; ज्ञानी — the wise; तु — indeed; आत्मा – Self; एव — even; मे — My; मतम् — opinion; आस्थितः — fixed; सः — he; हि — indeed; युक्त आत्मा — balanced Self; माम् — in Me; एव — even; अनुत्तमाम् — none better than that; गतिम् — path.
With sandhi:
उदाराः सर्व एवैते ज्ञानी त्वात्मैव मे मतम् ।
आस्थितः स हि युक्तात्मा मामेवानुत्तमां गतिम् ॥ ७ १८॥
एते सर्वे एव उदाराः (सन्ति), ज्ञानी तु (मम) आत्मा एव (इति) मे मतम् । सः हि युक्त आत्मा अनुत्तमाम् गतिम् माम् एव आस्थितः (अस्ति)।
VERSE 7.19
बहूनाम् जन्मनाम् अन्ते ज्ञानवान् माम् प्रपद्यते ।
वासुदेवः सर्वम् इति सः महात्मा सुदुर्लभः ॥ ७ १९॥
At the end of many births, he who is full of wisdom comes to Me. He realizes that Vasudeva is all. He is a great soul very difficult to find.
At the end of many births: After many lives spent in the spiritual discipline one attains maturity of knowledge and obtains a direct vision of the Lord.
Vasudeva: Son of Vasudeva.
बहूनाम् — (of) many; जन्मनाम् — (of) births; अन्ते — (in) at the end; ज्ञानवान् — one who has full knowledge; माम् — to Me; प्रपद्यते — approaches; वासुदेवः — son of Vasudeva, Krishna; सर्वम् — all; इति — thus; सः — he; महात्मा — great self; सुदुर्लभः — very rarely found.
With sandhi:
बहूनां जन्मनामन्ते ज्ञानवान्मां प्रपद्यते ।
वासुदेवः सर्वमिति स महात्मा सुदुर्लभः ॥ ७ १९॥
ज्ञानवान् बहूनाम् जन्मनाम् अन्ते 'वासुदेवः सर्वम्' इति (मत्वा) माम् प्रपद्यते । सः महात्मा सुदुर्लभः ।
VERSE 7.20
कामैः तैः तैः हृत ज्ञानाः प्रपद्यन्ते अन्य देवताः ।
तम् तम् नियमम् आस्थाय प्रकृत्या नियताः स्वया ॥ ७ २०॥
But those whose discrimination has been led astray by various desires resort to other lesser deities and follow diverse rituals, according to their own natures.
Various desires: For offspring, health, wealth, power, heaven, etc.
Other deities: Imperfect forms of the Lord.
Own natures: Vasanas or tendencies acquired in the present or previous births.
कामैः — by desires; तैः — by them; तैः — by them; हृत — taken away; ज्ञानाः — knowledge; प्रपद्यन्ते — approach; अन्य — other; देवताः — gods; तम् — that; तम् — that; नियमम् — rule; आस्थाय — having taken up; प्रकृत्या — by nature; नियताः — led; स्वया — (by) own.
With sandhi:
कामैस्तैस्तैर्हृतज्ञानाः प्रपद्यन्तेऽन्यदेवताः ।
तं तं नियममास्थाय प्रकृत्या नियताः स्वया ॥ ७ २०॥
तैः तैः कामैः हृत ज्ञानाः स्वया प्रकृत्या नियताः
(अज्ञानिनः) तम् तम् नियमम् आस्थाय अन्य देवताः प्रपद्यन्ते ।
VERSE 7.21
यः यः याम् याम् तनुम् भक्तः श्रद्धया अर्चितुम् इच्छति ।
तस्य तस्य अचलाम् श्रद्धाम् ताम् एव विदधामि अहम् ॥ ७ २१॥
Whatever form a devotee worships me with faith, I make his faith steady in that form.
Form: All worshipable forms represent the Supreme Lord. Therefore the form is immaterial. Deepening of faith in any form comes with the help of the Lord and the Lord bestows the result of the worship.
यः — who; यः — who; याम् याम् — which;याम् — which; तनुम् — form; भक्तः — devotee; श्रद्धया — with faith; अर्चितुम् — to worship; इच्छति — desires; तस्य — of him; तस्य — of him; अचलाम् — steady; श्रद्धाम् — faith; ताम् — that; एव — even; विदधामि — make; अहम् — I.
With sandhi:
यो यो यां यां तनुं भक्तः श्रद्धयार्चितुमिच्छति ।
तस्य तस्याचलां श्रद्धां तामेव विदधाम्यहम् ॥ ७ २१॥
यः यः भक्तः याम् याम् तनुम् श्रद्धया अर्चितुम् इच्छति, तस्य तस्य ताम् एव श्रद्धाम् अहम् अचलाम् विदधामि ।
VERSE 7.22
सः तया श्रद्धया युक्तः तस्य अराधनम् ईहते ।
लभते च ततः कामान् मया एव विहितान् हि तान् ॥ ७ २२॥
Endowed with such a faith, he worships a particular form and obtains his desires, which are, in reality, granted by Me alone.
No matter what form you worship, the Lord will grant the fruits of that worship.
सः — he; तया — (with) that; श्रद्धया — (with) faith; युक्तः — united; तस्य — of it; अराधनम् — worship; ईहते — wishes; लभते — obtains; च — and; ततः — from that; कामान् — desires; मया — by Me; एव — indeed; विहितान् — granted; हितान् — benefits.
With sandhi:
स तया श्रद्धया युक्तस्तस्याराधनमीहते ।
लभते च ततः कामान्मयैव विहितान्हि तान् ॥ ७ २२॥
सः तया श्रद्धया युक्तः तस्य आराधनम् ईहते, ततः च मया एव विहितान् तान् कामान् लभते हि ।
VERSE 7.23
अन्तवत् तु फलम् तेषाम् तत् भवति अल्प मेधसाम् ।
देवान् देव यजः यान्ति मत् भक्ताः यान्ति माम् अपि ॥ ७ २३॥
But limited is the result gained by men of small intelligence. Those who worship the deities go to the deities. Those who worship Me come to Me.
The same amount of effort is required for the worship of the Lord or lesser deities. But results vary. People worship the Lord for liberation. Those who desire material gains will worship the deities. Deities, translated as shining ones, mentioned here are heavenly beings.
अन्तवत् — with an end; तु — but; फलम् — the fruit; तेषाम् — their; तत् — that; भवति — is; अल्प — small; मेधसाम् — intelligence; देवान् — to the gods; देव — the gods; यजः — the worshipers; यान्ति — go; मत् — My; भक्ताः — devotees; यान्ति — go; माम् — to Me; अपि — also.
With Sandhi:
अन्तवत्तु फलं तेषां तद्भवत्यल्पमेधसाम् ।
देवान्देवयजो यान्ति मद्भक्ता यान्ति मामपि ॥ ७ २३॥
तेषाम् अल्प मेधसाम् तत् फलम् तु अन्तवत् भवति;
देव यजः देवान् यान्ति, मत् भक्ताः अपि माम् यान्ति ।
VERSE 7.24
अव्यक्तम् व्यक्तिम् आपन्नम् मन्यन्ते माम् अबुद्धयः ।
परम् भावम् अजानन्तः मम अव्ययम् अनुत्तमम् ॥ ७ २४॥
Foolish men, who do not know My supreme, immutable, and transcendent nature, think that I am endowed with a manifest form.
When necessary the Lord will take a manifested form like Krishna. Unlike humans, the Lord does not take a manifested form because of karma. He is not bound by karma. In Chapter 4 Verse 8, the Lord tells us why he takes a manifested form.
अव्यक्तम् — unmanifest; व्यक्तिम् — to the manifestation; आपन्नम् — arrived; मन्यन्ते — think; माम् — Me; अबुद्धयः — irrational; परम् — highest; भावम् — nature; अजानन्तः — unknowing; मम — My; अव्ययम् — imperishable; अनुत्तमम् — the best.
With sandhi:
अव्यक्तं व्यक्तिमापन्नं मन्यन्ते मामबुद्धयः ।
परं भावमजानन्तो ममाव्ययमनुत्तमम् ॥ ७ २४॥
मम परम् अव्ययम् अव्यक्तम् अनुत्तमम् भावम्
अजानन्तः अबुद्धयः माम् व्यक्तिम् आपन्नम् मन्यन्ते ।
VERSE 7.25
न अहम् प्रकाशः सर्वस्य योग माया समावृतः ।
मूढः अयम् न अभिजानाति लोकः माम् अजम् अव्ययम् ॥ ७ २५॥
Veiled by Maya born of gunas, I am not revealed to all. The deluded world does not know me as the unborn and eternal.
Maya: Maya is under the control of the Lord and conceals his real nature and He appears as Krishna and other incarnations. Ordinary people are under the control of Maya. Therefore they cannot know the true divine nature. Ignorant people do not recognize an incarnation of God and regard him as an ordinary man.
It is with this Maya, the Lord appears as the universe.
न — not; अहम् — I; प्रकाशः — known; सर्वस्य — of all; योग — yoga; माया — Maya; समावृतः — covered; मूढः — deluded; अयम् — this; न — not; अभिजानाति — knows; लोकः — world; माम् — Me; अजम् — unborn; अव्ययम् — imperishable.
With sandhi:
नाहं प्रकाशः सर्वस्य योगमायासमावृतः ।
मूढोऽयं नाभिजानाति लोको मामजमव्ययम् ॥ ७ २५॥
योग माया समावृतः अहम् सर्वस्य प्रकाशः न ।
अयम् मूढः लोकः अजम् अव्ययम् माम् न अभिजानाति ।
VERSE 7.26
वेद अहम् समतीतानि वर्तमानानि च अर्जुन ।
भविष्याणि च भूतानि माम् तु वेद न कश्चन ॥ ७ २६॥
O Arjuna, I know of beings that are of the past, that is of the present, and that is to come; but Me no one knows.
The Lord is omniscient. He knows because Maya is under his control and he is not under the control of Maya.
वेद — know; अहम् — I; समतीतानि — past; वर्तमानानि — present; च — and; अर्जुन — O Arjuna; भविष्याणि — future; च — also; भूतानि — all beings; माम् — Me; तु — indeed; वेद — knows; न — not; कश्चन — any one.
With sandhi:
वेदाहं समतीतानि वर्तमानानि चार्जुन ।
भविष्याणि च भूतानि मां तु वेद न कश्चन ॥ ७ २६॥
हे अर्जुन! अहम् समतीतानि वर्तमानानि च भविष्याणि च
भूतानि वेद । कश्चन तु माम् न वेद ।
VERSE 7.27
इच्छा द्वेष समुत्थेन द्वन्द्व मोहेन भारत ।
सर्व भूतानि सम्मोहम् सर्गे यान्ति परन्तप ॥ ७ २७॥
O! Bharata, O! conqueror of the enemies, all beings, from their birth, are deluded by the spell of the pairs of opposites arising from desire and aversion.
Note: Those who are deluded by the passion of love and hate do not have a proper knowledge of the outer world, let alone the knowledge of the innermost Self. The ignorant men do not know that Lord is their Self.
इच्छा — desire; द्वेष — and hate; समुत्थेन — arises from; द्वन्द्व — of the pair; मोहेन — by the delusion; भारत — O Bharata; सर्व — all; भूतानि — beings; सम्मोहम् — to delusion; सर्गे — in creation; यान्ति — go; परन्तप — O conqueror of enemies.
With sandhi:
इच्छाद्वेषसमुत्थेन द्वन्द्वमोहेन भारत ।
सर्वभूतानि सम्मोहं सर्गे यान्ति परन्तप ॥ ७ २७॥
हे परन्तप भारत! सर्व भूतानि इच्छा द्वेष समुत्थेन
द्वन्द्व मोहेन सर्गे सम्मोहम् यान्ति ।
VERSE 7.28
येषाम् तु अन्तगतम् पापम् जनानाम् पुण्य कर्मणाम् ।
ते द्वन्द्व मोह निर्मुक्ताः भजन्ते माम् दृढ व्रताः ॥ ७ २८॥
Persons of virtuous deeds, whose sin is ended, are freed from the delusion of pairs of opposites, and they worship Me with firm resolve.
Virtuous deeds, purify the mind and prepare the Self to realize the Lord.
Firm resolve is to devote oneself to the worship of God and renounce everything else.
येषाम् — whose; तु — but; अन्तगतम् — completely eradicated; पापम् — sin; जनानाम् — of the persons; पुण्य — virtuous; कर्मणाम् — actions; ते — they; द्वन्द्व — of duality; मोह — delusion; निर्मुक्ताः — free from; भजन्ते — worship; माम् — to Me; दृढ — firm; व्रताः — vow.
With sandhi:
येषां त्वन्तगतं पापं जनानां पुण्यकर्मणाम् ।
ते द्वन्द्वमोहनिर्मुक्ता भजन्ते मां दृढव्रताः ॥ ७ २८॥
येषाम् पुण्य कर्मणाम् जनानाम् तु पापम् अन्तगतम्,
ते दृढ व्रताः द्वन्द्व मोह निर्मुक्ताः माम् भजन्ते ।
VERSE 7.29
जरा मरण मोक्षाय माम् आश्रित्य यतन्ति ये ।
ते ब्रह्म तत् विदुः कृत्स्नम् अध्यात्मम् कर्म च अखिलम् ॥ ७ २९॥
Those who take refuge in Me to gain release from old age and death will come to know Brahman because they will come to know everything about the individual Self and all actions as well.
Take refuge in Me – Devoted only to the immortal Lord.
Liberation from old age and death – Liberation from relative existence. They worship without any earthly desire.
Individual soul – The Self is the Divinity that underlies the individual soul.
जरा — from old age; मरण — and death; मोक्षाय — for the purpose of liberation; माम् — Me; आश्रित्य — having taken refuge; यतन्ति — striver; ये — who; ते — they; ब्रह्म — Brahman; तत् — that; विदुः — know; कृत्स्नम् — the whole; अध्यात्मम् — innermost individual Self, transcendental; कर्म — action; च — and; अखिलम् — whole.
With sandhi:
जरामरणमोक्षाय मामाश्रित्य यतन्ति ये ।
ते ब्रह्म तद्विदुः कृत्स्नमध्यात्मं कर्म चाखिलम् ॥ ७ २९॥
ये माम् आश्रित्य जरा मरण मोक्षाय यतन्ति, ते तत् ब्रह्म,
कृत्स्नम् अध्यात्मम्, अखिलम् कर्म च विदुः ।
VERSE 7.30
साधिभूत अधिदैवम् माम् साधियज्ञम् च ये विदुः ।
प्रयाण काले अपि च मां ते विदुः युक्त चेतसः ॥ ७ ३०॥
Those who know Me to be that underlies all the elements as the One that underlies all the Devas, and the One that sustains all the sacrifices, will, with the steadfast mind will know Me even in the hour of death.
The life-long practice of being conscious of the Lord enables one to remember the Lord even at the time of death. It is a Hindu belief that if one gives up the body with the remembrance of God, one attains liberation.
साधिभूत — all elements; अधिदैवम् — all Devas; माम् — Me; साधियज्ञम् — and all sacrifices; च — and; ये — who; विदुः — know; प्रयाण — of death; काले — at the time; अपि — also; च — and; मां — Me; ते — they; विदुः — know; युक्त — engaged; चेतसः — mind.
With sandhi:
साधिभूताधिदैवं मां साधियज्ञं च ये विदुः ।
प्रयाणकालेऽपि च मां ते विदुर्युक्तचेतसः ॥ ७ ३०॥
ये साधिभूत अधिदैवम् साधियज्ञम् च माम् विदुः
ते युक्त चेतसः प्रयाण काले अपि च माम् विदुः ।
ॐ तत् सत् इति श्रीमत् भगवत् गीतासु उपनिषत्सु
ब्रह्म विद्यायाम् योग शास्त्रे श्रीकृष्ण अर्जुन संवादे
ज्ञान विज्ञान योगः नाम सप्तमः अध्यायः ॥ ७॥
This is the Bhagavad Gita, the Essence of the Upanishads, the science of Brahman, the Scripture of Yoga, and the dialogue between Sri Krishna and Arjuna. Ends the seventh chapter, is entitled – The Way of Realization.
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